TOP 5 Reasons More Women Are Using Green Smoothies To Lose Weight, Boost Energy, And Look Years Younger

                            Green Smoothies To Lose Weight

A major benefit of green smoothies is weight loss. Keep in mind, that not all smoothies are created equal, however, some are very healthy while others are not so much.  A proper green smoothie for weight loss includes lots of leafy greens and other vegetables, whole fruits such as a banana or apple, and water. Avoid adding dairy, such as milk or yogurt, as these add unnecessary fats and calories, and can irritate your digestive system.

               MOTHER OF TWO LOSES OVER 70 LBS!

Watch the video above to see how Amanda has lost over 70 lbs. using The Smoothie Diet 

             Click Here To Watch The Free Presentation

For years you have been hearing about the importance of maintaining a healthy diet to maintain better health and optimal weight. Study after study links poor diets that are highly refined and loaded with sugar, preservatives, and, saturated fats to nearly every chronic disease.

Yet so many still have not changed their diets or demanded higher quality foods from manufacturers. Low-quality foods create inflammation in the body which is directly linked to diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, cancer and. numerous other major diseases.

What is inflammation?

Inflammation is a naturally occurring immune response in the body. Your body responds to the presence of injury or foreign invaders such as a virus or bacteria by sending chemicals and white blood cells to fight them off, helping your body heal and protect itself from illness. Naturally, this is a good thing that helps to keep you healthy

So, what happens when there is chronic inflammation?

When the body is out of balance your immune system steps into overdrive, causing chronic inflammation, weight gain, pain, and, disease. Chronic inflammation occurs even when the body’s immune system is activated but is not threatened by a foreign invader.  Food is one of the primary causes of chronic inflammation – AND is the primary remedy.


Foods that Cause Chronic Inflammation:

You know already that highly refined and processed foods are very problematic for your health. Refined sugars and grains lack nutritional value and contribute to obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, auto-immune diseases and, many other major health problems. Saturated fats are another big contributor to disease.

What you may not be aware of is that there are also foods that are more likely to activate the immune system and cause inflammation. As your body reacts to these low-level allergens, you may experience hormonal imbalance, mood swings, joint pain, sinus and respiratory issues, headaches, digestive issues, fatigue, and weight gain. The symptoms develop slowly over time and, perhaps with the exception of weight gain, the cause is rarely associated with food. As a result, you may turn to medication or other medical testing and procedures in hopes of getting relief, yet if your diet remains unchanged, you will not find lasting relief.

What Foods Are Anti-inflammatory?

Let food be your medicine You CAN lose excess weight, reduce chronic pain, reduce your risk of serious chronic illness ~ and even possibly reverse chronic illness ~ simply by making positive changes to your diet. Cut out inflammatory foods and add in more whole, healthy, anti-inflammatory foods that are nutrient-dense, and high in omega 3 fatty acids and antioxidants.

Here are some foods to start incorporating into your diet:

Berries (Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries) Leafy green vegetables (Spinach, kale, beat greens) Fatty fish (such as salmon) Garlic

Extra virgin olive oil Vegetables (Beats, celery, red pepper, tomato, broccoli) Raw oats Turmeric Whole grains (brown rice, quinoa, millet) Ginger Fresh fruits (apples, pineapple) Raw honey Seeds and nuts Beans and legumes

The #1 Easiest And Fastest Way To Fight (And Beat!) Inflammation

When made properly. A green smoothie is an ideal meal replacement that provides you with lots of valuable nutrients and helps reduce inflammation in your body.

Anti-inflammatory foods include fruits, leafy green, nuts, seeds, and, other healthy ingredients that also are all primary ingredients in green smoothies! Adding green smoothies to your diet is simple and fun, not to mention when made correctly, they taste like dessert! There are numerous recipes and combinations that keep things interesting and tasty. Even replacing just one meal a day can make a massive difference in your health, one you will SEE and FEEL within only a few days. 

Watch the Free Presentation below to learn more about the health benefits of green smoothies as well as a super simple way to get started losing weight and improving your health TODAY.

    Click Here To Watch The Free Presentation


This article (on. ) is presented for informational and educational reasons. It does not substitute for medical advice from a healthcare professional. Users should consult their doctor, dietitian, or qualified health specialist about any health queries. Not only (on. but also the publisher cannot be held responsible for any separate outcomes from those who chose to digest or abide by this content provided here. Everyone considering taking medications should seek healthcare guidance before starting a nutrition, supplement, or lifestyle program.